Fighting Words

Illustration for Golf World Magazine about the current and former swing coaches for Tiger Woods arguing about his swing. Tiger’s swing looked fine at the Masters. His putter cost him. Statistics show golf pros lose their putting touch around the age of 35. Tiger...


Illustration for the Wall St Journal about football apps for your smartphone if you are having withdrawal symptoms after the Super Bowl. Anne Russinof, Art Director.

Dallas Morning News: Superbowl Edition

Illustration for a special Superbowl edition magazine in the Dallas Morning News. This was for an article about various events that will happen at Cowboy Stadium after the Superbowl. Michael Hogue, AD.

Golf World: Taxing US pros

Today is Ryder Cup Monday where the Euros narrowly defeated the US in Wales. Illustration for Golf World Magazine about the UK taxing US players. Tim Carr, AD

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