The eyes have it

There are loyal clients and there are LOYAL clients. The Chronicle of Higher Education is one of the first publications to hire me in 1984 and we have consistently worked together ever since. Illustration about the reluctance of trustees to open their investing...

Shake rattle and roll

The word of the moment seems to be crowd. Whether it’s crowd funding or crowd sourcing, everybody wants to join or access a crowd. Illustration for Alchemy Magazine about the trend for companies to bypass the major institutions in favor of multiple smaller...

The right thing

The latest episode of This American Life with a retraction of the Mike Daisy Foxconn story was captivating radio as Ira Glass and Rob Schmitz confront Daisy about the facts.  Ironically, it was more compelling than the original story. Illustration for Investment News...

Pieces of you

Not sure when people became brands instead of humans, but we’re living it and you better figure it out. Illustration for Tufts Magazine about building your personal brand. Margot Grisar, AD.      

Why is it always me

Fun assignment since we all live in a Larry David world. Illustration for PlanSponsor magazine about fiduciary duty. In other words, it is an article about who gets the blame when things go wrong. SooJin Buzelli, AD

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