Shall we dance

Got a note from my doctor that it’s time again for the annual checkup. This illustration for Healthleaders magazine is for an article about labor and management’s process in hammering out contracts. It also seems like an appropriate image for a yearly...

Inner noise

Having just arrived in Hong Kong, I’m never quite awake or asleep with the jet lag. It’s subtle and sneaks up on you during the quite times of the day. Illustration for Experience Life magazine about the distracted mind. Stephanie Glaros, AD

Aches and Pains

The Booming section of the New York Times speaks to me in more ways than is comfortable. Once I pulled a rib muscle taking a nap. My life has come to the point where stretching properly before sleep is necessary. Illustration about the Boomer generation obsessing over...

Hello doctor

Fun spread, cover, and inside illustration for Tufts University alumni magazine about dentists having to manage the fears of children and their parents. Betsy Hayes, AD.

Old and wise.

Series of illustrations for Scientific American Magazine for a fascinating article about intelligence and lifespan. Patti Nemoto, AD. Higher intelligence translates into a longer life because of choices and circumstances. My favorite statistic was about physical...

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