Multilingual multicolored

The Chronicle of Higher Education called with an assignment about the how multilingual people see the world versus people who speak a single language. Turns out the world is seems more varied and bigger for those who speak more than one language. The structure of...

Use your inner eye

It’s always a pleasure to work with a client regularly so you can develop a sense of rhythm. CFA is one such client with whom I have worked with on both publications and identity. Whenever assigned smaller stories for CFA magazine, the client suggested using the...

Timing is everything

I do not miss my 20’s at all. The main problem was my impatience and desire for everything to happen immediately. Fortunately, experience has taught the benefits of waiting and the rewards of taking your time. SooJin Buzelli had an article for PlanSponsor...

Knowing me knowing you

It shouldn’t surprise me but many times art directors call with stories that echo the moment. Lately, news about the depth of government surveillance of citizens has been the big story. This piece for Colgate University is about concerns the internet learns more...

Wandering in the wilderness

It is always a pleasure when SooJin Buzelli calls because you know you can explore ideas for assignments and she is willing to pick unusual solutions. She had an article about advisors having to navigate an uncertain future for aiCIO. My idea focused on imagined fears...

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