Smart Houses

Cover Illustration for Mortgage Banking Magazine about how the digital age is changing the housing market. Sarah Hollander, AD. Sarah and I have worked together since the beginning of my career in the 80’s and it has been an amazing ride. This cover is for the...

Rules make you free

Illustration for Havard Law Bulletin: “Freedom is just another word for. . . regulation”. Ronn Campisi, AD. Ronn Campisi and I go back many years and he gave me a huge boost by assigning covers for the Boston Globe magazine early in my career. Ronn has a...

Rainy day

With the heavy rain, earthquake, and hurricane in the New York area, it is no surprise a story would pop up about apartment insurance. Illustration for the Wall St Journal Metro section. Joel Cadman, AD

From me to you

This summer must have been a good year for remodelers. It seemed like all my friends who are owners were doing major renovations. Illustration for Remodeling Magazine about how to build your business through word of mouth. Pete Morelewicz, AD

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