Madness of crowds

The Chronicle of Higher Education is one of my oldest clients so it’s exciting to see their stories pop up in my aggregate news sites. They called with an editorial about false consensus in academic circles. A public statement will be made with the endorsement...


Big data seems to be s subject clients are calling with this year. Smith Alumae Quarterly Magazine had an assignment about students having an interest in the emerging field of data science and the extraction of data. Ronn Campisi is a long term client and he made the...

No man is an island

A friend who is a personal asset manager at Goldman Sachs once said she would hire someone to manage her portfolio. I was surprised and asked why since she does this for a living. She said it is difficult to invest wisely when you’re emotionally involved. By...

Floating Away

One of my favorite art directors, April Montgomery of Computerworld to create an opening illustration for a feature. Because of our history there is a lot of trust so it’s very easy to bounce ideas back and forth with April.  The story discusses loss of human...

Multilingual multicolored

The Chronicle of Higher Education called with an assignment about the how multilingual people see the world versus people who speak a single language. Turns out the world is seems more varied and bigger for those who speak more than one language. The structure of...

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