Disrupting the Disrupters

Even though I’ve been a New Yorker for over 20 years, The Boston Globe holds a warm place in my heart. Ronn Campisi, Lucy Bartholomay and others at the Globe helped my career break out on a national level when I was a young artist. When AD Lesley Becker called with an assignment, I was more than happy to accept. Lesley had a great article about the disruption theory which is a very popular concept in business. The main idea is established companies are vulnerable to upstarts and helpless to respond before it’s too late.

Boston Globe: Sleeping Giant

The success of the iPhone followed with the demise of  dominant handset makers added to popularity of the disruption theory. The article debunks the idea that disruption of established companies happens on a regular basis. We went though a couple rounds of sketches and the editors liked the idea of waking a sleeping giant. A slightly humorous approach seemed appropriate since it would catch the shock of would-be disrupters confronting reality.

Boston Globe: Waking Giant

Much thanks to Lesley and the Boston Globe for an entertaining assignment.

Here’s the final page:

Boston Globe: Disrupting the Diisrupters

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